- PARKING – Use of the parking lot is strictly restricted to two parking spaces per condo. Parking under the building is RESERVED and not generally available to guests. Guests are discouraged from bringing boats, RVs, or trailers on the property. Commercial vehicles are prohibited. Breakers East Condominium assumes no responsibility for acts of theft or vandalism or other damages to the guest’s vehicles or for personal property or items left in the condo. No guest parking is allowed under the portico.
- CARTS – Carts located in the lobby area are available to transport luggage and personal items to and from the condos. Please promptly return carts to the lobby area after each use. Carts cause damage and are not allowed inside the condo at any time. In the event a guest takes a cart into a condo a minimum damage charge of $150.00 will be imposed.
- PETS – Guests may not have pets anywhere on the property at any time. The entire damage deposit will be forfeited if evidence of a pet is found anywhere on the property. Guests will also be charged for all damage caused by pets.
- SLIDING DOORS – Please do not open the sliders when the front door is open. The wind blows through the condo and may slam the front door violently and injury can result. Do not keep the sliding doors open with the air conditioner on.
- GARBAGE DISPOSAL – The trash chute is located to the left of the elevators on each floor. Please wrap garbage securely in plastic bags before disgarding your trash.
- QUIET HOURS are from 10P.M. to 8 A.M.
- SWIMMING POOL – Hours are 9A.M. to 10 P.M. Unsupervised minors are not allowed in the swimming pool. No life guard is on duty. The health department requires babies must wear swim diapers when in the pool.
- Charcoal cooking grills are provided at the west end of the pool area. Grilling is prohibited on the balconies.
- Beach toys and gear shall not to be taken inside the condos.
- We suggest you bring beach towels. We do not permit towels or linens to be taken from the condos to the pool or beach.
- No skateboarding or roller blading is permitted on property.
- Towels and clothing may not be hung from the balconies.
- Throwing any objects from the balconies is strictly forbidden and shall result in eviction and loss of rent.
- Elevators have auto dialing phones which ring the answering service in the event that you have a problem. Children are not allowed to play in the elevators.
- Do not feed birds from your balcony or near the building as they will cause damage and become a nuisance.
The following list of Beach rules is assembled to assist the Breakers East Condominium Beach Service with the safe and comfortable accommodation of all owners and guests. Several of the rules are repeated from County and City Laws which are currently in place but have been routinely ignored. We sincerely hope these beach rules aid the Breakers East Condominium’s guests and owner’s peaceful enjoyment of the beach.
- A flag system is in place for your safety. Please observe and obey the flag system.
- For your safety please pay close attention to the beach warning information – particularly run outs and riptides in the gulf. Two simple rules of prevention: 1) Do not swim near a runout (a strip of dark water extending seaward from the beach. 2)If caught in a runout, don’t panic.Swim diagonally across the rip tide.
- No littering, vehicles, glass, fires or animals on the beach!!
- No walking, playing or sitting in the sand dunes or on the vegetative growth surrounding the sand dunes. KEEP OFF!!
- No radios playing music at excessive or offensive volumes. If a guest complaint is received, the beach attendant will politely ask them to reduce the volume.
- Tobacco smoke may be offensive to downwind patrons. If so, the person smoking may be asked to extinguish their smoking or move to a location that will not offend other guests. Cigarette and cigar buts are trash and should be discarded properly, not left as litter on the beach.
- Tents, tarps and canopies are not allowed on the Breakers East Condominium beach. This rule has been adopted by numerous condominiums to avoid monopolizing the beach space and interfering with beach cleaning operations.
- Personal beach set ups are not allowed in front of the condominiums’ beach service chair and umbrella set-ups.
- Any personal equipment left on the beach over night will be considered trash and will be disposed of properly.
Please see the beach attendant for beach service. Do not sit in chairs reserved for or owned by other patrons.
Breakers Homeowners Association is managed by Southern Association Management.